Credit Repair Service

How Does Credit Repair Work?

We are so glad you asked! Credit repair is the process of disputing inaccurate or erroneous information on your credit report. In other words, we work to remove your negative history from your credit report! You deserve a redemption story. You don’t have to live in the shadow of your past financial mistakes. Our goal is to empower our clients to take their repaired credit into their own hands and use it to unlock doors of opportunity! 

🌟 The Credit Theory 3-Step Process 🌟



Build & Maintain

Credit Theory builds a Personalized Challenge Plan for each client. The plan includes removal of negative items and the introduction of positive items into your credit profile.

Credit Theory sends challenges on your behalf to the credit bureaus concerning erroneous or inaccurate information. Our goal is to ensure that everything on your credit report is accurate. 

It is not enough to remove negative items from your credit report. It’s imperative that positive accounts are added to your credit report to give you an excellent credit mix. We provide 1:1 coaching to our clients to ensure they are always moving forward with their credit.

Emotional Relief & Financial Confidence

Access To Elite Products & Services

Leverage Opportunities

Get rid of all your fears of being sued by debt collectors or creditors. Stop avoiding phone calls & opening your mail! With our credit coaching & guidance, you’ll confidently apply for credit cards, auto loans, and mortgages knowing you’re going to get approved and get the best interest rates. We will teach you how to master the credit game.

Cash is king, but credit is power. Leave your cash to do the heavy lifting of investing & start funneling all your expenses through elite credit cards.

  • Get approved for credit cards with limits of $5,000+
  • Access to travel & purchase insurance, airport lounges, points, elite hotel and airline status, extended warranties, and more!
  • Get approved for mortgages and auto loans with premium interest rates!

An excellent credit score is only as good as the opportunities you take with it! Learn how the elite use OPM (other people’s money) to build wealth & leave a legacy!

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Happy Customers
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Credit Card Approvals
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negative accounts deleted